Dr. Rajagopal Discusses Acne Treatment

According to the Mayo Clinic (mayoclinic.com), acne, can be a distressing condition that heals slowly. It occurs when hair follicles become plugged by oil and/or dead skin cells. Dr. Rajagopal believes treatment should be sought early since this condition can lead to emotional distress and scarring of the skin.

Acne can be categorized into two kinds: non-flammatory lesions and inflammatory lesions.

The non-flammatory lesions (whiteheads and blackheads) are follicles clogged with oil, dead skin, and sometimes bacteria.

Inflammatory lesions include:

  • include papules (inflammations or infections in the follicles)
  • pustules (red, tender bumps with white pus at the tips)
  • nodules (large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin)
  • cysts (painful, pus-filled, boil-like infections beneath the skin which can cause scars)

Acne is caused by the shedding of dead skin cells, over-production of oil, and bacteria.

Factors that can trigger acne including increases in hormone production (during puberty or pregnancy); medications containing corticosteroids, androgens, or lithium; and food (including dairy products or carbohydrates that increase blood sugar).

Other risk factors include: skin contact with oily substances, family history and cosmetic use.

Surprising to most people, stress does not normally cause acne but can worsen an already-existent outbreak.

If you are experiencing this distressing condition, you should consult with Dr. Rajagopal—a well-respected plastic surgeon with over 20 years experience —about the best treatment for you.

Usually acne is treated with a combination of topical treatments and procedures. If one has new scars that are still red or scars that are hyperpigmented (dark), Dr. Rajagopal may recommend microdermabrasion, Refinity peels, or bleaching cream. She may also recommend laser skin resurfacing, which is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that refinishes the look and texture of the skin

If one has deep, pitted acne scars, Dr. Rajagopal, may recommend they be excised (removed by scalpel), stitched, and then treated with dermabrasion, during which the outer layer of skin is scraped away while the patient is under general anesthesia.

Alternatively, Dr. Rajagopal may recommend the use of Fraxel laser, DeepFX, or a CO2 laser treatment. These treatments can also be effective in treating deep, severe, or older acne scars.

Since each patient has different needs, if you are considering therapy for your acne, you should make an appointment with Dr. Rajagopal for a skin evaluation at the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center before you purchase any skin care products or making an appointment for other treatment.

To schedule a free consultation, with Dr. Rajagopal, simply visit her site at www.sfcosmeticsurgery.com.

To see what other patients have said about her, check out Dr. Rajagopal’s Reviews.


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